UWM Consultant Education

The Way of Community is offering the following two online courses (webinars) as part of the UWM Consultant Training Program.

To register and pay:

    1. Click the “Register” button below the course description. This reserves your spot in the course.
    2. Pay the $75 fee for the course directly to UWM. Once you fill in the amount, go to “Donors Information > Designations,” select “Other:” and then enter “Consultant Program” in the Comment Box.

Here are the course descriptions:

It’s Nobody’s Fault: Transforming Blame into Shared Responsibility (February 22 and 23, 2022)

In this engaging, experiential course, we will learn and practice strategies for transforming habitual patterns of blame, judgment and reactivity into understanding and a desire for connection within ourselves and with other people. During our two virtual sessions, we apply the principles of Embodied Learning to:

    • Develop an awareness of interdependence and the inevitability of tension and conflict in human relationships;
    • Begin to hear blaming and judgmental language as an expression of the universal human needs of the person using it;
    • Transform defensiveness, anger and other habitual reactions to blame and judgement into curiosity and a desire for connection;
    • Cultivate self-responsibility by seeking to understand what is precious to ourselves and others and the impacts of our actions.

Registration now closed.

Making Meetings Magic: Key Ingredients for Great Meetings (March 22 and 23, 2022)

In this class, we build on the principles of Embodied Learning to develop principles and practice strategies for meetings that consistently satisfy the qualities of connection, equivalence and effectiveness for all participants. During the two sessions you will:

    • Develop understanding of meeting challenges experienced in the past. Identify principles and strategies that can mitigate these challenges in the future.
    • Understand the primary characteristics of any effective meeting and how they apply to the four principal types of meetings.
    • As a participant or facilitator, experience a simulation of one of the principal types of meetings.
    • Identify opportunities in your personal and/or professional life to apply the principles learned in this class.

Registration open until 1 PM CDT on Monday, March 21, 2022.